Press release 25/03/2019 CSR report Sustainability-CSR Tarkett releases its 2018 Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility ReportNew window pdf487 KB
Press release 07/06/2018 Sustainability-CSR Tarkett shares its strategic vision of sustainable development by publishing social and environmental progressNew window pdf85 KB
Press release 20/04/2016 Company Sustainability-CSR Tarkett partners with Veolia to accelerate its transition to the Circular Economy in FranceNew window pdf542 KB
Press release 23/11/2015 Company Sustainability-CSR Tarkett, to engage alongside 77 multinationals calling for concrete action on climate change ahead of COP 21New window pdf53 KB
Press release 20/01/2015 Sustainability-CSR DESSO, a Tarkett company, joins world leaders to discuss Circular Economy at DavosNew window pdf99 KB
Press release 28/07/2014 Sustainability-CSR Tarkett North America Hosted Dr. Michael Braungart for a seminar on ‘Sustainability and Cradle-to-Cradle’ at NeoCon 2014New window pdf55 KB
Press release 12/09/2013 Company Sustainability-CSR Tarkett announces the deployment of phthalate-free technology across its residential and professional flooring product rangesNew window pdf67 KB