Public buy-out offer

Important disclaimer

You wish to access the pages dedicated to the documents and information relating to the proposed public buy-out offer followed by a squeeze-out filed by TARKETT Participation SAS (the “Offeror”) for the shares of its subsidiary TARKETT SA that it does not hold (the “Offer”).

The Offer is made to TARKETT SA shareholders located in France and outside of France, provided that local law to which they are subject allows them to participate in the Offer without requiring the Offeror to complete any additional formalities. It is specified that its content is not intended for nationals and citizens of the United States of America (or in any other jurisdiction restricting or prohibiting the communication of this information) and to “U.S. Persons”, as this term is defined by Regulation S of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933.

The Offer has not been registered or approved outside of France and no actions will be taken to obtain such registration or approval. The documents and information relating to the Offer do not constitute an offer to sell or purchase securities or a solicitation of such an offer in the United States of America (including its territories and dependencies, any state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia) or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is or might be illegal, or to any person to which such an offer or solicitation could not legally be made.

By clicking on the “Agree” button below, you certify that you comply with the following:

  • I certify that I have read and understood the foregoing and that I am a resident of France or of a country in which local law authorizes me to participate in the Offer in accordance with the foregoing.
  • I undertake not to transfer, transmit or distribute the documents and information relating to the Offer in the United States of America or in any other country where it is not permitted by the applicable legislation.
  • I agree to be bound by each of the terms of this disclaimer.

If you are unable to certify the foregoing, you must click on the “Refuse” button, and you will not be able to access the information and documents relating to the Offer. The distribution of these documents in other countries may be subject to legal or regulatory restrictions, which the persons holding such documents must know and comply with.

The Offeror and TARKETT SA and their respective advisors accept no liability for any violation by any person of any applicable legal or regulatory restrictions.

Please confirm your agreement with the restrictions listed above.

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