Tarkett joins United Nations Global Compact Early Adopter Program
October 11, 2022

Tarkett was the first flooring manufacturer to join the United Nations Global Compact in 2010, and to have reached, for the last ten years, the “Advanced level”, the highest level of maturity.
Following the implementation of the ten principles, we are now proud to join the early adopter program in 2022, alongside 1000 companies.

Since 2010, Tarkett is actively committed to United Nations Global Compact‘s principles in line with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Following on from this commitment to sustainable development and part of our transparent implementation of the ten principles, Tarkett joins this year the early adopter program. Together with all our partners, let’s continue our sustainability journey and accelerate our contribution to a carbon-neutral world.
Arnaud Marquis
Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer
We are providing our customers with sustainable solutions, offering a tangible contribution to 8 different United Nation Sustainable Development Goals, in particular:
Goal 3
Good health and well-being thanks to flooring that contributes to greater indoor air quality and healthy, safe spaces.
Goal 12
Responsible consumption and production with our ReStart® take-back and recycling program.
Goal 13
Climate action with our 2030 circulareconomy commitment to reducing our whole value chain emissions by 30%.